about The Ellipse ®

Meet “Jennifer Natasia”, the Harmonic Egg® / Ellipse® located in Windham, ME.

- Jennifer means “White Wave” / “Fair One” / “Blessed One” / “Blessed Spirit”

- Natasia means “Resurrection” / “Birthday”

The Dream

The name “Jennifer Natasha” came to me in a dream when I was 16 years old. In that dream, I delivered a baby girl and this is how I addressed her. When I became pregnant 12 years later, I expected it to be a girl. I already knew her and her name.


- I delivered a baby boy. His name is not Jennifer.

- It wasn’t “Natasha”, it was “Natasia”.

When the Ellipse was built and ready for a name, I hesitated. Jennifer Natasha kept creeping back into my mind, but it didn’t seem quite right. There’s obviously something there. Otherwise, why would this dream stay with me for 24 years?! Upon researching the meanings of these names, the dream finally made sense.

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She harnesses an energy that washes over our clients like a white wave. Her blessed spirit searches the client’s physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energies for ways to get in. She digs deep to find that which no longer serves the being who opens to her motherly hugs. With the power of sacred geometry, Nikola Tesla’s theories of energy, vibration, frequency, the numbers 3, 6, and 9, consciously created music, and thoughtfully selected colors, she works with the intentions of resurrecting each client’s soul back to the perfection that it was when first born in this lifetime.

Meet "Jennifer Natasia”

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